
Was täten die Iraner nur ohne deutsche parlamentarische Dialogkommissionen. Immerhin gelingt Gauweiler, Roth und co. deutlich zu machen, was dieser ganze Dialogrummel im Kern ist: ein Propagandacoup für die Islamische Republik. Bezahlt von der öffentlichen Hand in Deutschland:

„Iran’s policy is to support the expansion and strengthening of the peaceful coexistence of different religions throughout the world,“ Larijani said at his meeting with a German parliamentary delegation on Monday. (…)

Larijani added that Islamic thought is based on respecting different religions and beliefs, saying, „The bases and principles of divine religions are the same and they have a lot in common.“

The head of the German delegation Peter Gauweiler, for his part, described his trip to Iran as an important one, which helped him understand the realities of Iranian society.

Gauweiler referred to the Western propaganda against Tehran and said, „We are the victims of media propaganda when it comes to Iran.“

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Eine Antwort to “Propagandacoup”

  1. Sich die Klinke in Teheran in die Hand drücken « FREE IRAN NOW! Says:

    […] tummelt sich aber aber gerade das Who is Who deutscher Politprominenz in Teheran. Neben den Damen und Herren Roth, Gauweiler et. al. weilt jetzt auch noch der größte zeitgenössische Nahostexperte und Politikberater bei den […]

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