Große Hilfe unter Freunden

Während man in Deutschland noch darüber jubelt, dass Erdogans AKP künftig noch mehr Macht hat, hat die Türkei angekündigt, den Handel mit der „Islamischen Republik“ innerhalb der nächsten fünf Jahre zu verdreifachen:

Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Thursday that Ankara is seeking to triple trade volumes with Iran over the next five years, in comments likely to raise concern in Washington at a time when U.S.-led sanctions are deterring many investors from doing business with the Islamic Republic.

In a speech in Istanbul to business delegates interested in investing in Iran’s mainly state-owned machinery, automotive and textile industries, Mr. Erdogan said the two countries were near signing a „preferential trade agreement“ that could see trade volumes swell to $30 billion in the period.

Mr. Erdogan was hosting the meeting with Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi. [Weiterlesen…]

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