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Wer einmal in Deutschland versucht hat nachdem die Polizei eine Demonstration verboten bzw. aufgelöst hat, weiterzudemonstrieren, der weiß in etwa, wie fast unmöglich und gefährlich dies ist.
Trotz aller damaligen Rufe, dass deutsche Polizisten „Mörder und Faschisten“ seien, die so gebrüllt wurden, stand nicht auf Kritik die Todesstrafe und idR hat man, selbst wenn man verhaftet wurde, die Haftanstalt dich recht schnell verlassen.

Umso beeindruckender die Meldungen, die nun durchkommen:

At first it looked as though the government’s tactics had worked. Thousands of police, militiamen and secret policemen blocked off the streets leading to the two main squares, Enghelab and Azadi, where the demonstrators had been planning to hold their gatherings.

All they could do instead was to wander along the streets aimlessly, not even daring at first to chant or shout.

But the police couldn’t be everywhere and halfway along the avenue leading from one of the squares to the other, I watched a crowd slowly gather and begin chanting, setting fire to rubbish bins and throwing stones at the police.

They had acheived the critical mass they needed and more and more demonstrators joined them. Near me in the crowd a man was shot in the arm and the air was thick with tear gas.

I saw another man whose arm had been slashed by a razor wielded by a secret policeman. The confrontations are still going on and a big column of black smoke from a fire is hanging over the city centre.

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