Moussavi gründet den „Grünen Pfad der Hoffnung“

Die Gerüchte über eine Parteigründung Moussavis waren seit Wochen präsent – vor allem auch im eigenen Lager. Nun scheint es soweit zu sein. Auch ein Ergebnis der derzeitigen Vorgänge hinter den Teheraner Kulissen. Ob es sich um eine reguläre „Partei“ handelt, oder was unter „Organisation“genauer zu verstehen ist, wird man sehen müssen.

Eine erste Meldung der Iranian Labour News Agency:

„Green path of hope, Mousavi’s new organization“
ILNA: Reformist figure Mir Hossein Mousavi announced new socio-political organization “Green path of hope“, he Pointed out that it’s a comprehensive movement for demanding people’s rights.

Referring to new movement Mousavi said on Saturday “The color green symbolizes the path, demands for implementation of Constitution is it’s motto“.
He pointed that autonomous and spontaneous social networks in community are part of this movement.
“During election our mottos chose and remained in constitutional frame work, today we are devoted to those slogans“ he said.
“We believe if people’s demands were treated fairly and instead of using media to link spontaneous movements to foreigners, goverment promoted truth by fair criticism, they could satisfy public views“, he added.
Mousavi said that this action would have been a benefit to the system and removed the spirit of skepticism and distrust in society.

Moussavis facebookseite meldet es nun ebenfalls.

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